Common Google Cloud gcloud Commands

Common Google Cloud [gcloud]( Commands

Once you begin your Google Cloud journey, either towards certification or for personal projects, you’ll find yourself dropping down to the command line(via the cloud shell or on your local machine) to use the very powerful and flexible gcloud CLI tool. Here are common and useful gcloud commands.

The gcloud tool provides very useful feedback when you get a command wrong. Its documentation (via gcloud —help) is very informative.

Initialize gcloud

gcloud init
#this will allow you to authenticate and authorize via the browser

Log out or revoke gcloud access

gcloud auth revoke [email protected]
#removes access to engineer1@gmail

Get information about gcloud installed environment

gcloud info
#gcloud versioni, log path, python version, git version, account, project etc...

View Your Project ID

gcloud config list project

View list of authenticated accounts

gcloud auth list
#displays the list of authenticated email accounts on the machine

View Your Authenticated Account

gcloud config list account
#displays the authenticated email address

List available projects

gcloud projects list
#Lists all projects available to the authenticated account

View Your Project Metadata(eg. default region and zone)

gcloud compute project-info --project=PROJECTID describe
#NOTE: If default region and zone are not configured this output will be blank

Set a default region for gcloud

gcloud config set compute/region us-central1
#the gcloud tool will automatically use this region when none is specified

Set a default zone for gcloud

gcloud config set compute/region us-central1-c
#the gcloud tool will automatically use this zone when none is specified

Enable a service

gcloud services enable name-of-service
#the gcloud tool will automatically use this zone when none is specified

List enabled services in a project

gcloud services list #implies --enabled

List all available services

gcloud services list --available
#this includes the services that are also enabled for the project

List available compute instances

gcloud compute instances list

Create a compute engine instance with a specific machine types

gcloud compute instances create name-of-instance --machine-type=f1-micro

List available compute engine machine types

gcloud compute machine-types list

List available GKE clusters

gcloud container clusters list

Generate .kubeconfig for kubectl in order to manage a cluster on GKE

gcloud container clusters get-credentials name-of-cluster --zone=NONE
#you'll need to do this when the cluster is created on different machine 
#and the corresponding kubeconfi entries
#are not avaialable on your local machine(or cloud shell)

List available docker images in project’s Container Registry

gcloud container images list

View all availables tags for a container image

gcloud container images list-tags IMAGE_NAME

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Check out our other guides

  1. How To Create Your Own Online Portfolio
  2. How To Make Your Resume Stand Out
  3. How To Create A Simple Website
  4. How To Model Datastore Entities Using ORM Patterns


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